SDG11: Decentralization, digitalization, and symbiotic relationships

Cities are responsible for 60 to 80% of the global GHG emissions (European Commission). However, if properly and sustainably managed, cities can provide a unique opportunity to reduce these emissions. The point of departure in this endeavor should acknowledge that nearly ¾ of GHG emissions are a direct consequence of the choices we make. Among … Sigue leyendo SDG11: Decentralization, digitalization, and symbiotic relationships

SDG14: The Big Blue Marble (never)ending story

The ending scene from The Big Blue (Luc Besson’s movie from 1988) is profoundly carved into my memory and my senses. That deep circularity of its symbolism erases the duality between ending and beginning. It is a tribute to Poseidon, the ancient Greek god, ruler of the seas, who is often represented by a dolphin. … Sigue leyendo SDG14: The Big Blue Marble (never)ending story

SDG6: Water is life. Peak water. Peak life.

In 1956 science (Hubert) estimated that oil production in the United States would peak between 1965 and 1970. The science was right. In 1970, US oil production reached a maximum and began to decline (Gleick & Palaniappan, 2010). The term peak refers to the year when the maximum rate of extraction is reached, after which … Sigue leyendo SDG6: Water is life. Peak water. Peak life.

SDG9: From Catch 22 to catch me if you can

To boost the sustainable transition we need to build new infrastructures and industries. But, building more infrastructures and industries creates additional pressure and further accelerates climate change. So, how do we go about this Catch 22?     Sustainable Development Goal 9, which seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation, … Sigue leyendo SDG9: From Catch 22 to catch me if you can

SDG16: To connect physically, psychologically, and spiritually while leaving a minimum carbon footprint behind

To succeed in the transition framed within the UN Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability needs to deal with the uncertainty that emerges from one of the most challenging questions it eventually encounters: 'What will humans do?' (Busch & Harris). No matter how good the governance or technological solutions being available, their success is eventually determined by … Sigue leyendo SDG16: To connect physically, psychologically, and spiritually while leaving a minimum carbon footprint behind

SDG15: Biodiversity, resilience, and photosynthesis

“Take care of the land, my son. They don’t make it anymore!” was the advice one farmer, whom I met some years ago, was given by his father. The man inherited a big farm right on the outskirts of a fast-developing city. The laws that stipulate the land use in that region dictate that, in … Sigue leyendo SDG15: Biodiversity, resilience, and photosynthesis

SDG4: Learn to live with nature and with each other

Education is the lifeblood of society. It reflects its structures and relations as no other human activity. After all, knowledge is power, and the way knowledge is shared shows how power is structured in society. When education follows that Foucauldian notion that we are not mere receptors of actions of power but instead its vessels, … Sigue leyendo SDG4: Learn to live with nature and with each other

SDG12: First, do no harm!

Human health is intrinsically related to environmental health. That is perhaps one of the most valuable lessons to be learned from the Covid19 pandemic; which has proven to be a manifestation of the earlier published conclusion that pointed out climate change as a potential factor for the emergence of pattern transitions in spatial epidemics [1]. … Sigue leyendo SDG12: First, do no harm!